The central civil service conduct rules, 1964 impose various restrictions on Central Government Employees. Some Do’s and Don’ts applicable to employees are given below:-
1). Maintain absolute integrity at all times.
2). Maintain absolute devotion to duty at all times
3). Those holding responsible posts shall maintain independence and impartiality in the discharge of his duties.
4). Maintain a responsible and decent standard of conduct in private life.
6). Observe proper decorum during lunch break. Avoid moving out of office premises during lunch break. Any accident to employees outside office premises during lunch break is at their own risk.
7). Report to superiors the fact of your arrest or conviction in a Criminal Court and the circumstances connected therewith, as soon as it is possible to do so.
8). Keep away from demonstrations organized by political parties in the vicinity / neighbourhood of your offices.
9). Maintain political neutrality.
10). Manage private affairs in such a way as to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency.
11). If any legal proceedings are instituted for the recovery of any debt due from you or for adjudging you as an insolvent, report the full facts of such proceedings to the Competent Authority.
12). Act in accordance with Central Government policies, orders, rules, regulations, guidelines etc. applicable from time to time.
13). In performance of duties in good faith, communicate information to a person in accordance with the ‘Right to Information Act, 2005’ and the rules made thereunder.
14). Report to the Personnel department about change in status w.r.t. marriage, conversion to other religions, name and addition / deletion of family members.
15). Report details in various declaration forms (Home town etc.) with accuracy.
16). Ensure that all medical claims are submitted for reimbursement within 3 months of completion of treatment.
17). File your income tax returns in time.
18). Apply for leave of any type well in advance as per applicable rules.
19). Report to the Personnel department if your spouse is employed in Central / State Govt. / PSU / Autonomous Bodies / any other government service.
20). File all your nominations with accuracy (G.P.F., Gratuity, CGEIS, Family pension Leave Encashment etc.)
21). When seeking employment in other Government organizations, forward your applications through proper channel.
22). Apply / Renew for passports through proper channel after obtaining ‘No Objection Certificate’ from your Department..
1). Do not make joint representations in matters of common interest.
2). Do not be discourteous, dishonest and partial.
3). Do not practice un-touch-ability.
4). Do not associate yourself with any banned organizations.
5). Do not join any association or demonstration whose objects or activities are prejudicial to the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India, public order or morality.
6). Do not give expression to views on Indian or foreign affairs, while visiting foreign countries.
7). Do not get involved in unauthorized communication of any official document or any part thereof or classified information to any persons to whom you are not authorized to communicate such document or classified information.
8). Do not join or support any illegal strike.
9). Do not enter into any private correspondence with foreign embassies or Missions / High Commissions.
10). Do not accept lavish or frequent hospitality from any individual, industrial or commercial firms, organizations either foreign or Indian having official dealings with you.
11). Do not give or take or abet giving or taking dowry or demand any dowry directly or indirectly from the parent or guardian of a bride or bridegroom.
12). Do not lend money to or borrow money from or deposit money as a member agent, with any person, firm or private company with whom you are likely to have official dealings. Do not otherwise place yourself under pecuniary obligation with such person, firm or private company.
13). Do not approach your subordinates for standing surety for loans taken from private sources either by you / your relations / friends.
14). Do not undertake private consultancy work.
15). Do not speculate in any stock, share or other investment.
16). Do not bring any political influence in matters pertaining to your service.
17). Do not consume any intoxicating drinks or drugs while on duty.
18). Do not indulge in any act of sexual harassment of any woman at her work place.
19). Do not employ children below 14 years of age.
20). Do not indulge in habitual absence without permission and overstaying leave.
21).Do not speak or take active or prominent part in organizing or conducting meetings of any political party.
22). Do not indulge in acts which violate the provisions of the Personal Marriage laws applicable to the employee.
23). Do not unauthorizedly indulge in subletting of quarters, erects any unauthorized structure in any part of the residence allotted to you.
24). Do not claim leave as a matter of right.
25). Do not submit and claim false medical bills.
26). Do not use Staff cars for non-duty journeys.
27). Do not misuse LTC facilities.
28). Do not communicate with the press, TV, Radio or any form of media until authorized to do so.
Activities requiring permission / sanction
1). To join educational institution or course of studies for University degree etc.
2). To join Civil Defence Service / Territorial Army
3). To join Home Guards Organization
4). To give evidence in connection with any judicial / departmental enquiry conducted by any person, committee or authority.
5). To accept gifts from near relatives and personal friends, when the value exceeds prescribed limits.
6). To accept international awards
7). To engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business, or hold an elective office or canvass for a candidate for an elective office in any body or canvass in support of any business of insurance agency, commission agency etc., owned or managed by any member of his family.
8). Acceptance of a part-time lectureship in an educational institution which is in the nature of a regular remunerative occupation.
9). To enroll himself as an Advocate with the Bar Association.
10). To grant letter of appreciation to the employees.
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